In Her Own Words: The pandemic is only Leah Del Percio’s most recent crisis. Still she thrives.

As our communities struggle to open, women across America see their lives becoming more complicated as they juggle responsibilities at home and at work (which is often still at home), caring for coworkers, customers and family. For Leah Del Percio crisis has become a way of life.
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In Her Own Words: The pandemic is only Leah Del Percio’s most recent crisis. Still she thrives.

As our communities struggle to open, women across America see their lives becoming more complicated as they juggle responsibilities at home and at work (which is often still at home), caring for coworkers, customers and family. For Leah Del Percio crisis has become a way of life.
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In Her Own Words: The pandemic is only Leah Del Percio’s most recent crisis. Still she thrives.

As our communities struggle to open, women across America see their lives becoming more complicated as they juggle responsibilities at home and at work (which is often still at home), caring for coworkers, customers and family. For Leah Del Percio crisis has become a way of life.
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In Her Own Words: The pandemic is only Leah Del Percio’s most recent crisis. Still she thrives.

Ellen Sherberg
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